Organisation of Events

Year / Place Event / Subject / Organizer / Involveds
|Hannover Workshop to the subject 'Coarse woody debris in streams - Transfer into the practice'   Institute of Landscape Planning and Nature Conservation, University of Hannover   Organisation: Gerhard, M.; Reich, M.
|Marburg Workshop to the subject 'Coarse woody debris - Status quo of knowledge'   Departement of Nature Conservation, Philipps University   Organisation: Reich, M.; Gerhard, M.
|Frankfurt Festival 'An ecologicaly sensitiv Quater of Frankfurt' within the 2. german Day of sustainable Development (Deutscher Umwelttages)   Organisation: Rehner, N.; Crasemann, F.; Gerhard, M.
|Oberreifenberg semi-annual hoiday Camp for Youth Groups to different subjects   Organisation: Balling, J.; Gerhard, M.

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